Welcome to Dr. Gelfand's Culture Lab!

July 2023, the culture group rents a limo to celebrate the lab's successes.

Michele Gelfand and her mentor Harry Triandis in Washington, D.C.

July 2023, the culture group rents a limo to celebrate the lab's successes.
Lab News
Fall 2024 - Ying Lin is starting as an Assistant Professor at the The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Summer 2024 - Michele Gelfand is looking to hire a postdoctoral researcher to join the Culture lab at Stanford GSB, more details here
Fall 2023 - Michele Gelfand and Ying Lin received a 1.7 M grant from the John Templeton Foundation to study the evolution of trust across the globe
Fall 2023 - Josh Jackson (lab alumnus) is starting as an Assistant Professor at the University of Chicago, Booth School of Business
Fall 2023 - Bastian Weitz is starting his Research Master's degree in psychology at the university of Amsterdam
Fall 2023 - Xinyue Pan is starting as an Assistant Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
Spring 2023 - Alex Landry organized a symposium on dehumanization for the Annual convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology in Atlanta
Spring 2023 - Michele was elected as a member of the Council on Foreign Relations
Summer 2022 - Ying Lin presented her work on honor and the reluctance to apologize at the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Management in Seattle.
Spring 2022 - Virginia Choi, Snehesh Shrestha, Xinyue Pan, and Michele J. Gelfand published their paper entitled: "When danger strikes: A linguistic tool for tracking America’s collective response to threats" in PNAS
Fall 2021 - Gelfand became Deputy Editor at PNAS Nexus, the new sister journal of PNAS!
Fall 2021 - Gelfand is starting as The John H. Scully Professor in Cross-Cultural Management and Professor of Organizational Behavior at Stanford Graduate School of Business
Fall 2021 - Ren Li (lab alumna) is starting as an assistant professor at Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Fall 2021 - Lisa Leslie (lab alumna) is promoted to full professor at New York University, Stern School of Business
Fall 2021 - Josh Jackson (lab alumnus) is starting a post-doc at Kellogg School of Management
April 2021 - Gelfand is elected to the National Academy of Sciences
2021 - Gelfand is elected Fellow of the International Association for Conflict Management
April 2021 - Congrats to research assistants Emily Blume, Carolina Cardozo Jacquet, Sreya Gunna, Rebecca Lorente, Gintare Meizys, Emmanuel Romelus, Allison Seo, and Britney Vaing for their poster presentations at the 2021 PSYC Undergraduate Research Day!
February 2021 - Dylan Pieper presents the poster "COVID-19: Meta-norms to wear masks and social distance in the U.S." at the Annual Convention of Society for Personality and Social Psychology. (Online).
January 2021 - Read Gelfand's new paper in The Lancet Planetary Health
2020 - Gelfand receives IACM Best Book Award, Ursula Gielen Book Award (APA), and the Katzell Award (SIOP)
November 2020 - Xinyue Pan presents the paper "Cooperative norms and the growth of threat: Differences across tight and loose cultures" at the 7th International Conference on Behavioural and Social Computing, Virtual
July 2020 - Xinyue Pan presents the paper "Threat and the evolution of tribalism" at the International Association of Conflict Management 33rd Annual Conference, Virtual.
February 2020 - Emmy Denison presents the poster "#NoFilter: The effects of normlessness and incivility online" at SPSP 2020.
November 2019 - See Gelfand's new article in Science.
August 2019 - Virginia Choi and Snehesh Shrestha present the new 'threat dictionary' at the SPSP 2019 Summer Psychology Forum on Big Data in St. Louis, MO.
April 2019 - Gelfand is elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, April 2019 (link)
April 2019 - Congrats to undergraduate research assistants Myles Arrington, Kira Cohen, Brianna Dubose, Amarah Faizan, Ioanna Galani, and Maddie Reynolds for their poster presentations at the 2019 PSYC Undergraduate Research Day! And congrats to Ioanna on winning the People's Choice Award!
February 2019 - Gelfand receives the 2019 Outstanding Contributions to Cultural Psychology Award, SPSP
November 2018 - Gelfand is named 2018 IACCP Honorary Fellow
November 2018 - Gelfand is invited to join the board of the National Academy of Sciences
September 2018 - Gelfand's book "Rule Makers, Rule Breakers" was released on Sept 11, 2018!
July 2018 - Lab alumna Lisa Leslie wins the HR Division - Academy of Management's Scholarly Achievement Award.
July 2018 - Congratulations to lab alumna Ashley Fulmer! Her paper, "The grateful workplace," received Academy of Management Review (AMR)'s Best Paper Award.
June 2018 - Welcome to Virginia Choi, who is joining the lab in the fall for her PhD! So happy to have you!
June 2018 - Congratulations to Nava Caluori, who received the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship and will be attending the University of Kentucky in the fall in pursuit of her PhD!
June 2018 - Congratulations to research assistant Naidan Tu, who is going to the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign in the fall to pursue her master's degree!
June 2018 - Congratulations to research assistant Sarah Gordon on her Yahel Social Change Fellowship in Israel!
April 2018 - Congratulations to undergraduate research assistant Brianna DuBose who presented at UMD's Undergraduate Research Fair!
March 2018 - Volume 7 of Gelfand’s Advances in Culture and Psychology has been published.
February 2018 - Congrats to lab alum Ryan Fehr on welcoming a new bundle of joy to the family!
2017-2018 - Welcome to our 2017-2018 visiting scholars! Andrey Elster is visiting from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Piotr Prokopowicz is visiting from Jagiellonian University. Great to have you on board!
October 2017 - Yan Mu, Shihui Han, and Michele Gelfand's paper "The role of gamma interbrain synchrony in social coordination when humans face territorial threats" is published in Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
August 2017 - Congratulations to Yan Mu for presenting on cultural neuroscience at AOM.
August 2017 - Gelfand wins APS Outstanding International Award!
August 2017 - Gelfand and collaborators win CM Division of AOM Outstanding Publication of the Year award!
July 2017 - Michele Gelfand, Jesse Harrington and Jess Fernandez's chapter on TL and personality is now published in the Handbook of Culture and Personality.
June 2017 - Congratulations to Brandon Crosby, who will be joining the RAND Corporation as a Research Associate in June 2017!
June 2017 - Gelfand gives keynote address at the Canadian Psychological Association
May 2017 - Congratulations to Nava Caluori and Morgan Taylor who presented on synchrony and creativity at APS 2017, and to Sarah Gordon and Virginia Choi who presented on TL and occupational structure!
February 17, 2017 - Joshua Jackson and Michele Gelfand presented at the 2017 AAAS conference in Boston on tightness-looseness in traditional societies.
January 21, 2017 - Great job to Jess Fernandez, who presented on TL and health outcomes at SPSP 2017!
January 2017 - Congratulations to lab alum Ryan Fehr, who received tenure at the University of Washington!
October 18, 2016 - Gelfand wins the 2016 UMD Research Communicator Impact Award!
2016 - Gelfand and Kashima publish "Editorial overview: Culture: Advances in the science of culture and psychology" in Current Opinion in Psychology.
September 2016 - Congrats to lab alum Sarah Lyons for her presentation on marginalization and radicalization among Muslim immigrants at SESP 2016!
July 2016 - Gelfand is invited to give the keynote address at International Congress of Psychology!
July 2016 - Congratulations to Joshua Jackson, who received University of North Carolina's most prestigious fellowship for doctoral students-- a five year fellowship within the Royster Society of Fellows!
May 2016 - Gelfand gives invited address at APS
January 2016 - Congratulations to lab alum Lisa Leslie, who received tenure at New York University!
2015 - Jesse Harrington has just won the Milton Dean Havron Social Sciences Award! This award was created to recognize the top graduate student in the psychology department, to assist with timely completion of his or her doctorate. Incredible work Jesse!
July 2015 - Congratulations Elizabeth for defending your dissertation! Elizabeth will be continuing her research at Maryland as a post-doctoral fellow.
July 2015 - Brandon has gotten an offer to complete a summer internship at RAND, where he’ll be working with lab alumnus Laura Severance! He also passed his comprehensives- a champion on all fronts.
June 2015 - Congratulations Jesse Harrington for your EAPSI NSF fellowship! Jesse will be travelling to Peking University this summer working with Shihui Han on several exciting projects.
June 2015 - Yan will be soaking up the Hawaiian sun this week as she talks about her research titled "Neural Mechanisms of Interpersonal Synchrony Behavior" at the annual meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping! Have fun Yan!
June 2015 - Jasmine has just won a place in the Graduate School's Summer Research Fellowship program! Jasmine was one of a handful of University of Maryland graduate students to win the award, which is valued at $5000, and supports students' research over the summer. She has also won the 2015 Clara Mayo Award from the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI) that has awarded her $1000, a sum which will be matched by the University of Maryland psychology department. Go Jasmine!
May 2015 - Volume 6 of Gelfand's Advances in Culture and Psychology is published, and Volume 7 is currently in press.
2015 - So many weddings! Best wishes for Brandon, Joo, Sarah, and Laura Severance on your upcoming nuptials.
May 2015 - Congratulations Sarah for successfully defending your dissertation! Sarah is on her way to the SPARQ research center at Stanford University, where she’ll lead initiatives applying psychology to solve real-world problems. We’ll be missing her SPARQle around the lab!
Spring 2015 - Gelfand gets honored at SIOP for the distinguished McCormick lecture
2015 - Gelfand and Fulmer's Journal of Management paper on trust across multiple organizational levels is selected as a winning paper in the prestigious Emerald Citations of excellence for 2015.
May 2015 - Congratulations to Roqaiya, Christina, Marissa, Jake, Hiuyan, Jessica, and Rachael, who all presented their posters at the University of Maryland research fair!
May 2015 - Patrick is moving from the University of Maryland to NIH to work on cancer research using modeling techniques, but no amount of white blood cells could defend him from our visits.
March 2015 - Gelfand organizes Culture and Evolution workshop, which results in the Cultural Evolution Society!
March 2015 - Gelfand organizes Culture and Evolution workshop, which results in the Cultural Evolution Society!
Get involved
My current research areas are documented in my recent publications, but we have ongoing projects on cultural tightness-looseness, punishment and revenge, organizational conflict cultures, race and negotiation, culture and self control, expatriation, and forgiveness. The Culture Lab is very interdisciplinary and, in between our research projects, we have a lot of fun together.
More information on applying to work with me is available on this page.